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发布时间:2016-12-13 浏览次数:2669

   The first article entitled EMGdi signal enhancement based on ICA decomposition and wavelet transform(author:Fei-Yun Wu,Feng Tong,Zhi Yang);the second article entitled Distributed compressed sensing estimation of  underwater acoustic OFDM channel (author:Yue-hai Zhou,F.Tong,Gang-qiang Zhang);the third artical entitled Exploiting joint sparsity for underwater acoustic MIMO communications (author:Yue-hai Zhou,Wei-hua Jiang, F.Tong,Gang-qiang Zhang) as well as the last artical entitled Mean-square analysis of the gradient projection sparse recovery algorithm based on non-uniform norm(author:FY.Wu,F.Tong).These papers have been published in ELSEVIER which has a large influence over the world.

The full text listed as follows:EMDdi_ASOC_SCI二区.pdffinal_Distributed compressed sensing estimation of underwater acoustic OFDM channel1.pdffinal_Exploiting joint sparsity for underwater acoustic MIMO communications.pdf1-s2.0-S0925231216312231-main_mean square analysis of NNCCS.pdf